Personal Memorabilia In Curio Collections

Personal Memorabilia In Curio Collections

Personal memorabilia in curio collections. I always think some of the most endearing objects in someone’s curio is personal memorabilia: locks of hair, baby teeth, or clothing. I have my grandpa’s wallets. His name was Collins. I never met him as he died before I was born but I was named after him and my family gave me his wallets when I was young.

Personal Memorabilia In Curio Collections- my baby teeth

In that cigar box are my baby teeth and notes that I wrote her as a child. There are also notes from my parents.

Being a collector is a fine line away from being a hoarder. I kept the baby teeth but have since recycled each letter and note.

Before I had acquired my baby teeth from my parents, I had collected my pup’s baby teeth. Niamh’s puppy teeth never fell out and soon were crowding her adult teeth. I asked the vet to save them for me when she went in for surgery. They are with my wisdom teeth inside this box:

I also have kept my hedgehog’s baby quills, all my roosters spurs, and one of the last whiskers from my cat Tiny, found a year after his death in his blanket that hadn’t been used since he died.

What Personal Items Do You Have?

What personal items have you been able to collect for your curio? We’d love to see them in comments!

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Author: Colleen

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